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            $title='广告加载中,请稍候...';// 设置标题为加载中的提示
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                $title='广告加载中,请稍候...';// 设置标题为加载中的提示
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                $url='https://52lc.top';//默认 URL
                $title='参数错误,正在返回首页...';// 设置标题为参数错误的提示
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        $title='参数错误,正在返回首页...';// 设置标题为参数错误的提示
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            <p class="text">本站不担保任何广告,网络交易请谨慎自行甄别。如遇欺诈或纠纷,请联系我们的QQ:2807238865投诉下架该广告!</p><?php // 底部标语 ?>
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Bootstrap css样式文件

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